mandag, juli 06, 2009


This is basically copypasta from gmane:

Download newest cvs of matlisp. Place where you want it, unzip and cd into folder.

Read and do this:

Okay.  I think I've found the problem.   Go back to
the file and edit the block that deals
with Darwin. Change things so that you end up with:

FLIBS="-llapack -lblas -lg2c -lSystem /usr/lib/dylib1.o"
SHARED_LIB_LDFLAGS="-dylib -single_module"

Then run:

autoconf > configure

and then run

./configure --prefix=`pwd` --with-fflags="-O3 -fPIC"
--with-lisp=sbcl --with-lisp-exec=sbcl

This will create a that CAN be loaded
into sbcl and which will allow the 'make' process to
run to completion (i.e. the loading and processing
of 'start.lisp' works). Note that the -llapack -lblas
entries in the FLIBS statement will load the apple
vecLib framework optimized lapack and blas libraries
Finally make, then you should be able to use (use-package "MATLISP") or (in-package "MATLISP-USER")

mandag, juni 15, 2009

Calling maxima from sbcl

Ok, so here is what you need to do:
Get the source to maxima and extract to your favourite location.
Run ./configure --enable -sbcl; make to compile all the lisp-files we'll need to fasl-files.
Load something similar to this:

torsdag, juni 11, 2009

Installing imaxima on MacOSX

First install Aquamacs emacs by normal .dmg
and tex (e.g. by normal MacTex .dmg install),
then install macports by easy .pkg,
then install sbcl and slime through macports: sudo port sbcl slime,
then install gnuplot through macports: sudo port gnuplot,
then install breqn pakage: download and put contents into /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/breqn. Run sudo mktexlsr and (optional) test with kpsewhich breqn.sty.
Then download imaxima-imath-1.0.tar.gz, cd into folder and ./configure --prefix=/sw; make; sudo make install (optional: make clean to cleanup).
Finally copy necessary (all?) files from /opt/local/share/maxima/5.18.1/emacs to ~/Library/Application Support/Aquamacs Emacs and edit line 1207 in imaxima.el where it says (split-string to (list.
Open Aquamacs and M-x imaxima to enjoy symbolic math in lisp ftw!