mandag, juli 06, 2009


This is basically copypasta from gmane:

Download newest cvs of matlisp. Place where you want it, unzip and cd into folder.

Read and do this:

Okay.  I think I've found the problem.   Go back to
the file and edit the block that deals
with Darwin. Change things so that you end up with:

FLIBS="-llapack -lblas -lg2c -lSystem /usr/lib/dylib1.o"
SHARED_LIB_LDFLAGS="-dylib -single_module"

Then run:

autoconf > configure

and then run

./configure --prefix=`pwd` --with-fflags="-O3 -fPIC"
--with-lisp=sbcl --with-lisp-exec=sbcl

This will create a that CAN be loaded
into sbcl and which will allow the 'make' process to
run to completion (i.e. the loading and processing
of 'start.lisp' works). Note that the -llapack -lblas
entries in the FLIBS statement will load the apple
vecLib framework optimized lapack and blas libraries
Finally make, then you should be able to use (use-package "MATLISP") or (in-package "MATLISP-USER")

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